Friday, July 15, 2005

EQ Certification

For the 6th year in a row, the July EQ Trainer Certification boasts a remarkable group of change agents. It's reassuring to know that, amidst the strife and consumption, there is a large group of people deeply committed to bringing heart and wisdom into the world.

For the first time since 9-11, we have a highly international group -- EQ allies from India, Nigeria, Singapore, Dubai, and the US. It's been a sadness to me that our global allies have stayed away for these years (and no surprise - nor blame to them), so I'm especially glad to see people traveling here again.

What happens when you take 26 people committed to learning about emotional intelligence and bring them through a series of powerful learning tools? There's something nearly magical in the intensity of awareness, connection, optimism, and purpose. I feel priviledged to be a part of it, and humbled to be helping to lead it.

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