Friday, April 28, 2006

A little better...

Well, getting away from my desk this evening was good! Max and I got haircuts then went to Fresh Choice. Fresh Choice is one of my least favorite places to eat and the kids love it. What's up with that. I think they care more about "choice" than about "fresh."

Then we went to Max's accupuncture appointment. I wish I had one too. Our usual Chinese doctor, Dr Lucy, wasn't available so we saw someone else. He was amazed by how "normally" Max treated the whole thing. Not to say Max likes getting stuck with needles (au contraire), but he's surprisingly mellow about it.

We started this when Max was 2 and about to go for his 3rd course of antibiotics for the same ear infection. Conversations had started about needed tubes surgically implanted. The treatment didn't seem to be working, was costing a ton, and none of us was happy. But still we really questioned ourselves -- aren't you supposed to give your baby antibiotics if he has an infection? Aren't you a bad parent if you do something else? Reasoning that millions of people don't, we decided to give it 3 days. 3 days later with accupuncture and Chinese herbs, his infection was way better. He went off and on for 18 months and had no more infections.

My pediatrician brother-in-law points out that many children just grow out of ear infections, so maybe that's it. On the other hand, in the last year we haven't really being going to Dr Lucy much, and Max has had 2 ear infections. So I think we'll be going once a month at least during cold season...

So, back to the present, I'm still feeling like I have a cold and by back hurts, but I'm not QUITE so cranky.

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